It was a really great day. Here are TOP 1o greatnesses, in no particular order:

1. Mom and I waited for Sis for 45 minutes, called her cell phone a million times, worried about whether we'd find her in time for the walk. Turns out, she was on the subway the whole time. And when she exited the subway, she found us immediately, in the middle of the crowd.
2 - Rumor had it, George from Gray's Anatomy was there! Where?? I don't know! I looked for him all over, tried to find the main stage, but never found him. I wanted to see George!
3 - A group of free-spirited little girls from a public school in Brooklyn (particularly, one of the last few hippie educational establishments left in our crappy system), shouting over and over and over and over again.... "What do you want? A cure for AIDS! When do we want it? NOW!"

4 - Cheerleaders!
5 - Amazing ice cream handed to us on the side of the road by volunteers.
6 - Alllllllllll the people!
7 - Never finding the team we were supposed to walk with, but running into friends at the end of the day!
8 - Walking behind a group of people led by a woman wearing a stereo system on her back, playing Motown music. Why walk when you can do the hustle?
9 - Mom willing to use the port-a-potty
10 - Finding a diner on the east side and commiserating over the loss of feeling in our legs after the long day. And taking pictures of each other across the table on our camera phones.