Unless. Unless I really, really love where I am.
For example. I like Brooklyn, but I don't love it. Therefore. Therefore, I get lost every time I am there.
I love Florence. I figured out those tiny, narrow streets in no time. I don't love the Village, so I usually don't know where I am. I love the lower east side, but that love is new, so I'm just starting to get a handle on it. At one point I loved the upper west side, so I know where things are. But. I'm starting to loose my affection for that area, so I'm starting to forget where things are.
I like using "mapquest" as a verb, even though it's not usually what I mean. Mapquest was the first onling mapping website to hit the big time, to grab your eye and steal your heart, but eventually we all realized it didn't really know what it was talking about. Like an old Italian man speaking to you in his native tongue even though you couldn't understand a thing, Mapquest took you on twists and turns that were unnecessary and purely suggestions based on its need for bragging rights.
But. I'll still say to people, "Mapquest it and you'll find it."
& like I said, that's not what I mean.
My dream was to find a mapping system that let ME choose the glorious bridge I should drive over, or the dark tunnel I should drive through. LET ME TELL YOU HOW TO HELP ME, I wanted to shout from the roof tops to mapping systems everywhere.
Googlemaps heard me.
Today I learned, by accident, that after you type in an address in Googlemaps, and the map image is displayed, you can CLICK ON THE HIGHLIGHTED ROADS AND DRAG THEM AROUND THE MAP AND GOOGLEMAPS WILL READJUST ITSELF TO FIT YOUR PREROGATIVE.
This is a beautiful moment. Let's savor it.
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