one of the
best movies
I have seen
in a long time.
Sometimes the movies we love don't make sense. Sometimes the reason they affect us so much is because of who we are, and where we are at in our lives when we see them. It's not just about the movie being "a good movie". It's about how it touches you, and moves you, because of timing. I've had that happen to me a few times. It happened during American Beauty. It happened during Cast Away.
It happened during Stranger Than Fiction.
I have to tell you, I adored this film. I was swept away. I want everyone I know to tell everyone they know to go see it.
I think, especially, that the casting was superb. Certain people have said that they were surprised how "not funny" it was, since it was staring Will Ferrell. Huh? I laughed through the whole thing. But not in the way you laugh in a typical comedic film that practically spells out, "L-A-U-G-H N-O-W" across the bottom of the screen. It was funny in the way that life is funny sometimes. It just is.
And the precious part of the film is how the character keeps trying to figure out if his life (as it is playing out in the film) is a tragedy or comedy. He keeps score. That was so perfect, since as an audience member, we are so trained to see Will Ferrell as a comedic guy. But seeing him cry, heart-felt, sincerely, confuses you. Touches you. And you are left thinking, to yourself, "Is this a comedy, or a tragedy?" That's perfect casting. That's the point of the movie.
I loved it.
1 comment:
I agree - I adored this film too.
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