Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Websites: More to play with

Amazing new sites (with amazing new names) that I came across today, thanks to the collection of resources I got going over on my igoogle.

It's a GREAT resource. So many free fonts to download for your mac or pc. It even has search functionality and categories (like handwriting, pixel-fonts, dingbats, etc.). Who cares about shoes, it's FONTS this girl can't have enough of.

Airttight Interactive, a web development company, is responsible for this amazingness. It's a "titlt viewer" that works with flickr. Click on it and see what happens. First, notice the cascading way the images fall onto the page. Then, literally, start tilting. Press the little arrow on the bottom of a photo to see who posted the image on flickr. It makes the web seem so much less "click here" and so much more "float here."

Wondering what the point of this is and how it makes the world a better place? Well, the artists themselves said this:
"Does a 3D UI give more functionality than the equivalent 2D interface? No, but its certainly a lot cooler! Part of the motivation to build this was to explore ways to make 3D interfaces simple and intuitive."

And finally: FREE RICE
Click on the answer that best defines the word. If you get it right, you get a harder word. If wrong, you get an easier word. For each word you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated to the United Nations World Food Program.

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